Daniel Van Note | Videographer

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I love film. I have worked on almost every aspect of production, including writing, creating shot-lists, gathering crew, casting, lights, sound, cinematography, acting and editing. I can honestly say I love every aspect of working on set, I’m always learning more about different ways of doing lighting or sound or camerawork, and it helps me be a more efficient part of any team I’m working on regardless of my role.

I graduated from Hampshire College in 2020 with a Bachelors of Arts focused on Religious and Spiritual Studies and Filmmaking. I had always loved film since I was a teenager, but I decided in College to pursue a swath of different disciplines, including philosophy, dance, religion, natural sciences, and spanish. For my final project, I decided to create a narrative film based on my very personal experiences at and outside of Hampshire College.

My passion for telling stories works well in both commercial and creative fields. As a narrative storyteller, I approach any project in the same basic way: figure out what the story is, find a crew of people who are capable of telling that story, and communicate the vision with enough detail that everyone is able to utilize their skills to the fullest. It’s an incredibly rewarding experience, and one I absolutely love being a part of.

My rates are $50/hr, or $500 for a 1 location shoot, both for 1-2 minute videos.

© 2022 by Daniel Van Note.
Software by Marlon Barrios Solano