Narrative Work

Banana Chase

Banana Chase (2015 Jeffco Film Festival Best of Festival) from Daniel Van Note on Vimeo.

“Banana Chase” was my first award-winning short film. I produced it while attending Warren Technical Institute in Lakewood, CO. It centers around Nick, who stumbles into a strange alien banana - the same one that stole his briefcase long ago. It is revealed along the chase that this briefcase was the last connection Nick had to his missing father.

This film was a lot of fun to produce. Our budget was $400, spent mostly on food and costumes. I had access to all the gear I needed through Warren Tech, and also had a good friend and fellow filmmaker, Ben Lemon, who provided a stabilizer for the running shots. Most of the work was getting to location, running and gunning, and getting to the next location for the next shot. Overall it took 4 months from the writing to the finished product. It won “Best Drama” and “Best of Festival” at the Jeffco Film Festival in 2015.

© 2022 by Daniel Van Note.
Software by Marlon Barrios Solano